Parent Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Rocky River City School District has created a district-wide set of student expectations called, “Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports” or “PBIS”. We have implemented this proactive program to help our students have a safe, positive learning environment and to provide consistency in all areas of our school.

What does PBIS look like at Goldwood Primary School?

We will be using four consistent school expectations:

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Caring

Be Safe

You will see these expectations posted throughout the building. Teachers will be using lesson plans to explicitly teach these four rules to our students for all areas of the school (cafeteria, playground, classroom, etc.). To reinforce these rules, your child/children will have the opportunity to earn “pirate bucks” that will be collected for whole class rewards. These positive behavior tickets will be “cashed in” for rewards at the end of each quarter.

How can you be a partner in this effort?

We want you to be a partner in helping us make our school a more positive place for our children to learn. We are including the behavioral expectation posters attached to this letter. To ensure that you as parents and your child/children as students are aware of the school expectations; we ask that you review the posters in its entirety with your child/children. Once reviewed, please sign and return the bottom portion of the letter to your child’s teacher. Additional ways to be involved are: using the expectations in your home, reminding your child/children each day before they leave of the expectations, making sure that your child/children come to school on time every day, as well as asking them if they followed the rules that day and if they received any pirate bucks.

Thank you,

Goldwood Primary School Staff