Helpful Information

Helpful Class Information

Buses - Please make sure your child is wearing his/her bus tag every day! This makes it much easier for your child to get to the correct destination. If your child is being picked up after school instead of riding the bus, a note, e-mail, or phone call must be sent informing the teacher and the office of that change.

Personal Items - Children love sharing personal items (stuffed animals, toys, etc.). However, I appreciate your help in keeping these personal items at home until I notify you of a special sharing time.

Shoes - I always recommended that your child wear gym shoes at school, for comfort and safety. Your child may keep a pair of gym shoes at school if you wish. Not only will they always be here for fitness day, but they will be convenient to have available if they wear boots to school. If you prefer to not to have gym shoes left at school, please remember to have your child wear or bring them on fitness days. All students should wear shorts or pants on fitness day.

Birthdays - Your child may celebrate his/her birthday at school. Only non-food items are allowed. Some suggestions of items to send in would be pencils, crayons, or you can donate a book for the classroom library. Celebrations that are absent of food items will help protect students who may have life threatening allergies to the ingredients contained in many treats. Additionally, this will help contribute to the general wellness of our students. Summer birthdays will be celebrated throughout the school year. If your child has a summer birthday, please let the teacher know if you would like to celebrate their “unbirthday,” or half birthday.

Changes - Please let me know if there are any major changes in your child’s life that may affect his/her school life.

Money - If you choose to send money with your child for ANY reason, please send it in an envelope marked with your child’s name, purpose of money, teacher’s name, and the amount in the envelope.

Communication Folders - Your student will turn in their communication folder every day. Please go through it every evening with your child and sign any papers that require a signature. Also, feel free to write notes to me if you are having any questions or concerns. You may also e-mail or reach me through the school office at 440-356-6720.

Health - Please advise us of any specific concerns. If your child has to take any medication or have any on hand for field trips (asthma inhaler, Epi-pen, etc.) please take them to the front office and fill out the necessary paper work if you have not already done so.

Absences - Please call the school if your child is going to be absent. If your family is going on a trip, please inform the school office and the teacher.

Parent Volunteers and Guest Readers - Guest readers are invited to read on Fridays or can provide a video (more info on link above). Sign up today!

Report Cards and Conferences - During the school year, you will receive three written report cards. There will be one at the November conference, one in January, and one at the end of the year. I will be happy to schedule additional conferences if necessary.

Homework - Weekly homework will be starting in September.

Sight Words - We have adopted the Fry list of sight words at Goldwood. Our goal this year is to learn 100 sight words before we go off to first grade! More information will be coming home soon!

Snacks -Your child should bring a mid-session snack in his/her backpack every day. We have a special snack time where students quietly visit with their friends and eat their snack. Please send a small portion of food that is nutritious and is easy to eat without making lots of crumbs or sticky areas. A napkin included would be helpful. Thank you very much! We would like to suggest…


String cheese

Apple slices

Celery sticks

Carrot sticks

Cheese and crackers


I would like to thank all of you for a GREAT start to our kindergarten year! We have lots planned and I look forward to getting to know you and your child!


Miss Thomas