
Uniform Matters

King's Academy Rowner have a school uniform because we recognise that a consistent uniform approach increases children’s identity and self-esteem, impacting positively on behaviour. It puts the children in the right frame of mind for working and ensures that pupils are not differentiated from one another. We have given careful consideration to the uniform list ensuring that it is readily available and reasonably priced. We believe that a hard-wearing uniform that is worn every day represents excellent value for money.

We continue to note DfE guidance concerning school-branded items; the only compulsory items that must be purchased through our supplier are the jumper or cardigan and PE t-shirt. Children are welcome to wear their jumper or cardigan for PE if they do not want to purchase the zipped sports jacket. 

Skoolkit are our uniform supplier for the sipped PE jackets and school jumpers and cardigans. They have a shop in Fareham or you can order their products on-line. 


PE Kit

Summer Uniform Checklist - optional:

Nb Summer uniform can be worn until October half-term. Summer uniform welcome from after Easter holiday until end of Autumn 1

Hair & Jewellery Checklist

Hair: In line with health and safety and to maintain a smart appearance, hair that can be tied back needs to be tied back  (in any way you choose) ideally every day but absolutely on PE days with discrete neutral or school coloured hair ties / bands. Only small bows and clips please.

One natural colour, grade 2 or longer. Extremes of fashion of the colouring or the nature of the cut are not acceptable.

Jewellery: With the exception of a single or a pair of stud earrings in pierced ears or a digital or analogue watch, children should not wear jewellery to school. Fitness trackers are welcomed for time telling and the tracking of ‘steps’. Smart Watches, which are camera and internet-enabled enabled are not permitted in school due to the possible distraction that these devices can pose. Any misuse (e.g. playing a game that some are enabled with) will lead to them not being permitted in school. The school cannot accept any responsibility or liability for mislaid personal jewellery. To help keep your child safe, earrings and watches need to be removed for PE. Therefore, you may wish to advise your child not to wear these on PE days. 

All weather school

We are an all weather school, therefore we require children to have all weather gear in school.

We go outside regardless of the weather for breaktimes and weekly outdoor learning sessions. 

We ask that children bring in the items below so they can stay warm and dry.