Gosport Futures

Gosport Futures

These are the core skills and qualities that all Gosport and Fareham learners embody, develop and secure. They are the essential skills which help us to be successful. 

Behind each of the skills are a range of resources and steps which teachers and pupils can use to help to improve in each area. However, it is important to remember that Gosport Futures  are always developing and can always be improved. 

Aiming high in Art, creating patterns that represent Samuel Pepys.

Super creativity in Art when designing a navy ship

Amazing presentation in his reading journal...staying positive even with a broken arm! 

Listening to feedback when improving our text marking in English! when learning about our poem - 'Speak of the North!' By Charlotte Bronte


Initially, the skill steps concentrate on being able to listen effectively to others - including remembering short instructions, understanding why others are communicating and recording important information.


Initially, this skill focuses on being able to speak clearly - first with well known individuals and small groups and then with those who are not known.


The first steps focus on being able to follow instructions to complete tasks, seeking help and extra information if needed.


The first few steps focus on the individual's confidence in imagining different situations and sharing their ideas

staying positive:

The early steps focus on identifying emotions - particularly feeling positive or negative. Building off that is the ability to keep trying - and then staying calm, thinking about what went wrong, and trying to cheer up and encourage others.

aiming high:

Initially, this is about knowing when something is too difficult, and having a sense of what doing well looks like for an individual.


At the earliest stages, the focus is on basic empathy - understanding their own feelings, being able to share them, and recognising the feelings of others.


Initially, this is about individuals fulfilling expectations around being positive, behaving appropriately, being timely and reliable and taking responsibility.