The School Day

Doors open - you can arrive between 8:40 and 8:50

Teacher will be in classrooms at this time, children enter the building through the double doors where they will be greeted by a member of the team. Pupils come into school and participate in a short physical activity or a task to get their brains warmed up for the day.

Register 8.50

Learning begins at 8.50, so punctuality is very important

Lesson begin - 9.00

There may be an assembly in the first part of the session. The rest is usually used to complete either English or maths learning.

Morning break 10.20 - 10.35

We encourage pupils to have a healthy snack; this can be brought in from home or purchased from our snack shop. Class teachers and teaching assistants supervise playtimes and peer mentors are on duty to support pupils in positive play.

Reading time 10.35 - 10.55

We get together as a class of year group and enjoy a story together

Lesson time 10.55 - 12.00

Usually used to complete English or maths learning

Lunchtime 12.15 - 1.00

School lunches are cooked onsite and provide a healthy delicious meal. Parents who choose to provide a packed lunch are expected to ensure it is healthy and nutritious. There is time to eat your lunch and then you can choose to play on the playground/field or attend one of our lunchtime clubs.

Lesson time 13.00 - 3:05

Afternoon learning is often based around the class project or other foundation subjects. PE is likely to take place during these sessions. Once a week children will partake in music and outdoor learning.

End of day 3.05pm

After school activities take place most days and change each term offering plenty of opportunities for pupils to take part in a club. Teachers are usually available after school on the playground if there is anything you wish to discuss but, if more time is needed, appointments can be made through the school office.