Birthday BookS

Celebrate your child’s birthday by donating a book to the Sommer Elementary Library in his/her honor!

Your child will choose from a great selection of new, popular titles available in the library for their Birthday Book.  We will place a special bookplate inside with your child’s name and birthday and mount a picture of your child with their selection on the display wall outside the library. The book will become a part of our library collection for all students to check out & read!  [SUMMER birthdays can be celebrated at the beginning of the school year, late in the spring, or at their “half-birthday”. If you have a preference, please specify on the form.]           

The cost is $20.00 to participate and is completely optional. 

How to donate:

Submit a form to the Sommer Library at least THREE weeks before your child’s birthday. The Birthday Book Program ends on APRIL 12, 2024 for this school year. You have two submission options: 

Thank you SO MUCH for supporting this library donation project!

Sommer Birthday Book Club Form 2023-24.pdf