About Mr. Ramirez

About Mr. Ramirez

Hi! My name is Ruben Ramirez, I am so excited to be the Talented and Gifted Specialist at Purple Sage this year! This will be my 3rd year in Round Rock ISD, as well as teaching. Prior to this, I taught for 2 years at Chandler Oaks Elementary, an IB World School, and completed my Student Teaching there. I am excited to continue teaching the amazing students of RRISD at Purple Sage!

Outside of teaching, my main hobby is strength training and brazilian jiu-jitsu. I try to keep up with Austin FC and San Antonio Spurs. I have a dog named Chico, he is an Aussie/Heeler mix. Our Saturdays are full of hiking trails and puppucino's! I also enjoy other activities such as cooking, reading, photography, and spending time with family and friends.

email: ruben_ramirez@roundrockisd.org Phone: (512)-428-