• Campuses will close at 3:30 pm each day to allow for a deep cleaning.

  • Clorox Total 360" disinfectant misting machines, and "Karcher" misters will be used. The Kärcher PS 4/7 Bp hospital-grade misting system is specifically designed to reduce risks of Health Care Acquired Infections by killing virus, bacteria and mold faster, safer and quieter.

  • Bathrooms will be fully sanitized throughout the course of each day.

  • There will be limits on how many individuals can use a bathroom at once.

  • Cleaning throughout the day will increase (door knobs, railings in common spaces will be regularly cleaned). As a result, we will need to hire additional p/t cleaners.

  • An increased number of hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the building for regular use. Hand washing will be encouraged throughout the day.


  • There will be an increased emphasis on handwashing.

  • Parents should send all students with hand sanitizer each day that they have easy access to throughout the school day.

  • Students are encouraged to use hand sanitizer when they enter and exit the room.

  • There will be additional hand sanitizers throughout school for easy access of all members of the community.


East Hills

Harbor Hill

Middle School

High School


RPS Reopening Plan Facilities (003).pdf