Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats. In small doses anxiety is helpful; it protects us from danger and focuses our attention on problems. But when anxiety is too severe, or occurs too frequently, it can become debilitating.

Anxiety drives people to avoid the things that scare them. When a "scary" thing is avoided, there is an immediate but short lived sense of relief. However, the next time a similar threat arises, it feels even scarier. This creates a harmful cycle of avoidance, and worsening anxiety.

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Produced by the National Youth Agency, this resource pack is full of exercises, quizzes and worksheets aimed at 11 to 19 year olds and includes tips on coping with change in our current time, sleeping and coping with stress.

Grounding techniques are coping strategies to help reconnect you with the present and bring you out of a panic attack, flashback, unwanted memory, distressing emotion, or dissociation. They help separate you from the distress of your emotional state or situation.

Square breathing can help to clear the mind, relax the body and improve focus.