Weekly Schedule

Below is the planned weekly work schedule.  Please keep in mind the daily assignments can change. Changes are announced in class and students are expected to write them down in their planners.


To reach our goals, it is recommended that students complete:

40 minutes of reading PER DAY

30 minutes of KHAN

2 Read Theory quizzes per day

(Some or all of this work may be completed in class)

Independent Practice reinforces what is learned at school, provides additional practice, and instills good work habits. Assignments are typically begun in class, which means students should always know the directions for their assignments when working on them.

Please make sure your child shows you their school work every night.

Children should work on independent practice for no more than 60 minutes each night, Monday through Thursday. They should also read for a minimum of 40 minutes every night.

Our class does not have scheduled independent practice on Fridays so that students have time to spend with family and friends. However, occasionally it will be necessary for students to complete the work they started in class.

If you feel that your child is spending too much or too little time on independent practice, please let me know so I can work with you and your child toward a solution. Please work with your child to stay on top of all long-term projects. 

Please keep a folder with all returned class work stored somewhere for easy access.

Need Homework Help? With your parents permission try...                     https://www.hmc.edu/engagement/homework-hotline/

Independent Practice