
**All of the writing activities are in the black folder on the right side.

Writing Process:

The kids should know our process for writing, and you most certainly don't have to follow this, but thought I would give some guidelines in case you're looking for some help:

-At the very least, I usually require the kids to have 3 things on their writing pages for each topic, but more like 5-7 and no more than 10.

-We always start our writing by drawing with pencil and labeling each thing with at least the beginning letter. If they draw something like cat or jet, for example, those are 3-letter words they should be able to sound out and write instead of just the beginning letter.

-That is about all I have them do in one day.

-The next day they can continue where they left off with drawing from the day before if needed, but otherwise they can color.

**I sent home some writing for March and some writing for April.


-We have already made our journal covers for this month in school, as well as completed some writing pages.

-When completing the page the says "The things I like best about Spring is...", the kids should actually be able to write a small sentence on the lines provided. You might have to write it on a piece of paper or sticky note for them to look at, or just be there to help with spelling.


-I provided the April journal cover for the kids to write their names on and then color.

-The rest of the page topics should be able to follow along with the guidelines I provided above.

Other writing options:

-Draw something fun you did and write about it.

-Choose a topic of your own, draw it, and then write about it.