Ms. Dahlby's K-Prep


During this time, it is my goal to stay in contact with you and your kiddos the best I can. I have created this website as one way to help with that. On here, I will provide you with multiple resources, as well as to better explain the materials I gave to you in the kids' folders. Please know I am here to help in any way I possibly can. Do not hesitate to get ahold of me!

I did my best to label everything the best I could. The folders are labeled with the subjects on each of the pockets inside. Most of the activities the kids should have already done ones like them before, or they should be pretty self explanatory with the directions, but let me know if you get stuck. Try to cover each subject area every day if possible.

When the kids complete an activity from one of their folders, please put it back in that folder. If/when we get to come back, I would love to be able to take a look at what the kids did. However, DO NOT stress if you happen to misplace one.

I hope you find this helpful!

Ms. Dahlby

Ms. Dahlby's Contact Information:

  • Email:

  • Phone Number: send me a Remind message or email for this.

  • Remind: K-Prep 2019-2020