Important Announcements

We wish you and your family a happy and healthy holiday! Please click on the link below to view all of our holiday wishes for you!

Make sure you visit our Virtual Back-To-School Night Page! This is a great resource to learn about our schools, your child's teachers, classroom expectations, resources, and school platforms! You can access this from the lefthand menu!

SWITCH TO ALL REMOTE LEARNING STARTING MONDAY, DECEMBER 7TH! Please visit the district website to read Superintendent Alpaugh's letter containing specfics regarding this switch in instruction.

Copy of TJ Class Times

Let's Do This! Here is how you should get your child setup for this school year:

1) Have your child login to his/her chromebook (See Principal's letter or FAQ page on the left column if you need help with this!)

2) Access the Clever platform via the Clever App icon or shortcut on their chromebook. Once your child is in thier Clever accounts, they will view messages from their teachers to find their Google Classroom Codes!

3) Join each teacher's Google Classroom using their unique Classroom Codes. Here is a visual of what it looks like to join a classroom: Steps to Join a Google Classroom . If you would like more information about Google Classroom or Clever, please see the Parent Resources page on the lefthand column.

4) Once in the Classrooms, they will be able to see important information, including links to Google Meets and announcements from their teachers.

Important Information about Attendance

Lincoln Students (All Virtual):

When students "attend" their homeroom each day via their provided link, their teachers will record their attendance. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SUBMIT ATTENDANCE, AS IT WILL BE DONE BY THE TEACHERS.

TJ Students :

Virtual and At-Home Cohorts- Students will need to record their attendance each day from home. Each day, your child will go to this site (Distance Learning Site) on the Rockaway Borough homepage and access the Attendance Tab on the lefthand column.Once there, they will click on the daily attendace tab and complete the Google Form. All students will need to complete this form each day by 8:30 am.

In-School Cohorts- Attendance will be taken at school and DOES NOT need to be submitted from home.