Learner Profiles

Explore Rockingham County Schools Self-Paced Learning Modules

Learner Profile (Elementary): Personalization is easy when you understand the “person”. Creating a learner profile is vital to developing personalized learning tasks for your students. Educators will explore ways to develop a detailed learner profile of their students. You will identify a student’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, interests, and goals and then create a learner profile that will allow you to develop lessons that will meet the needs of your students.

Learner Profile (Secondary): Personalization is easy when you understand the “person”. Creating a learner profile is vital to developing personalized learning tasks for your students. Educators will explore ways to develop a detailed learner profile of their students. You will identify a student’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, interests, and goals and then create a learner profile that will allow you to develop lessons that will meet the needs of your students.

Goal Setting (Elementary): When teachers and students collaborate to set goals it can greatly improve any educational program. Collaborative goal setting is versatile; it can be used to set individual or whole class goals. Many benefits exist for students when specific learning and/or behavior goals are set. Students will feel a greater sense of motivation and accountability when they are involved in the goal setting process. If possible, posting these goals will serve as a good reminder of the commitment the students have made.

Student Data Tracking Notebooks (Elementary): Data notebooks are designed to allow students to track their progress in their class. This allows student, teachers and parents to see how progress is going in reaching certain learning goals. With these notebooks, students take ownership in their learning and at the rate they feel comfortable with.

Objectives of this course:

  • Teachers will be able to identify which tracking sheets individual sheets will need based on their abilities.

  • Teachers will be able to discuss with the students their progress on reaching their learning goals.

  • Teachers will be able conference with students individual on what their personal needs are by using the notebooks.

Student Voice and Choice (Elementary): With this micro-credential, you will... discover, define, and understand student voice and choice; be able to appropriately implement student voice and choice in your classroom; be able to articulate a rationale for providing student voice and choice in your classroom.

Student Voice and Choice (Secondary): The learner will understand what Student Voice & Choice means and be able to implement that into their classroom.

Student-Led Conferences (Elementary): The learning goal for this micro-credential is to familiarize teachers with the use of student led conferences. You will explore how allowing students to participate in the process can increase their learning and growth. The goal for this badge is to use student led conferences at your own grade level to enhance instruction. You will be exploring the components of student led conferences and will use what you have learned to apply it to your classroom. You will create artifacts of you using a student led conference to show how the benefits and challenges can be used in the classroom.

Self-Assessment/ Reflection/ Metacognition: This Module is Under Construction

Passion Projects (Secondary): Passion projects grew out of an idea created by many large companies like Google and 3M. In these companies, employees were given a set amount of time during the work day to work on projects that benefited the company, but were of interest to the employees. Passion projects incorporate all facets of learning for students, meets multiple standards, and ignites a fire for learning.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the purpose of passion projects

  • Develop a lesson for students involving a phase of the passion project

  • Create a plan to utilize Genius Hour to allow students to complete passion projects

E-portfolios (Elementary): An electronic portfolio (also known as an e-portfolio, e-portfolio, digital portfolio, or online portfolio) is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include input text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. (definition from Wikipedia) Students can upload any number of artifacts to different online portfolios. There are so many benefits to having students keep their work in an e-portfolio.

Family Engagement (Elementary): The Family Engagement badge is designed to improve parental involvement within in the classroom. Positive relationships and open communication between teachers and parents ends up supporting the overall well being for the student. This allows and gives parents the chance to be involved in the classroom and part of their education.

Global Awareness and Service (Elementary): The educator understands global awareness, appropriately provides global awareness opportunities in the classroom, and articulates a rationale for providing global awareness opportunities during instruction. The educator understands service learning, appropriately provides service learning opportunities in the classroom, and articulates a rationale for providing service learning opportunities during instruction.

Learning Contracts (Elementary): A learning contract is an agreement between the teacher and student that allows the student certain choices and freedoms about how a they will complete a task. The student agrees to use those choices/freedoms appropriately. Typically, learning contracts offer choices in response to varied interests and tiered for readiness.

Learning Contracts (Secondary): For this badge, you will learn how to use learning contracts to enrich your lesson plan, to support all levels of learners, and to help students take ownership in their learning. You will explore learning contacts as well as view examples of how they have been implemented in classrooms by other educators. You will have the opportunity to use learning contracts within your classroom by creating your own and then implementing it with your students.