Email Updates

12/9/2020 Amplify Professional Learning Training Site Updates

Amplify CKLA has recently updated their training website and I wanted to make sure to share that information with you. Obviously you have all already taught your first lessons, but they have now included a self-paced online course that goes through the steps and planning of delivering the material. It may be beneficial even now to return to the training and review the strategies and procedures for the Knowledge and Skills units.

Engage in a self-study course designed to support new Amplify CKLA teachers who are ready to dive into the program before an initial teacher training session. This course contains six, self-paced learning sections focused on providing a basic overview of materials and steps to plan your first lesson.

There is also an image gallery of how to visually support students in Amplify classrooms here:

There are pre recorded webinars here:

ALL of the remote/hybrid learning materials (editable activity books, videos, etc) can now be found here:

Training resources (including a rubric for observations by coaches and administrators) can be found here: