K-2 Guidance

Developmental Considerations

At this age, it is important that families/caregivers are utilized as a partner in remote learning, as students are still highly dependent on an adult for support with technology and the executive functioning required for success with remote learning. Think about how to engage and support students from the start through communication designed to understand their unique situations and needs. Instruction at this age should support a balance of teacher directed and student practice. Each part of the day should embed social-emotional guidance, classroom management strategies and student support strategies in anticipation of supporting students with technology and e-learning materials.

Evaluate Your Comfort Zone

Everyone is going to be challenged to move a little bit out of their comfort zone, both remote teachers and remote learners. Do a self-assessment of your own comfort level with the different technologies available. You are advised to not try “all the things”, but instead pick one or two that you can learn well. Your choices can focus on what will be the most effective way to cover the material and allow students to interact with you and each other. Make adjustments as necessary given the match between your goals and your ability to achieve them remotely, as you look to figure out which resources would be most helpful.