School Site Council is a group of teachers, parents, students, and administrators who work together to develop and monitor a school's improvement plan. It is a legally required decision-making body for any school receiving federal funds. At UHMS, the SSC meets monthly to discuss the school plan, make adjustments to the plan, and make decisions about budget allocations.
SSC Meeting Dates
Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) 23-24
Click on the image to open the Single Plan for Student Achievement for the 2023-2024 school year.
SSC Agendas 2024-2025
Agendas are updated before each meeting. Please scroll down for the next month.
Prior Year Minutes/Agendas
Agendas and Minutes 2022-2023
Agenda: September 26, 2022 , October 11, 2022, November 15, 2022, December 5, 2022
Minutes: September 26, 2022, October 11, 2022, November 15, 2022
For more information or questions about School Site Council, please contact:
Katie Grimble
Hilda Munoz
AP Secretary