Who are our English learners?

Many English learners represent the newest members of our society (including recently arrived immigrants and children of immigrants) who bring a rich diversity of cultural backgrounds and come from families with rich social and linguistic experiences. They also bring skills in their primary languages that contribute enormously to the state's economic and social wealth of talented and multilingual population. 

CA EL Roadmap pg. 1

Click here for definitions of English learner student typologies. 

EL and RFEP Numbers

The image showcases the percentages of English Learners and Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students across the district. Currently, English learners make up 14.4% of the total student population. 

Home Languages

The image shows the percentages of home languages represented across the district amongst our English learners. 92.4% of our English learners have a home language of Spanish.

Birth Country

Our English learners come from all parts of the world, however, about 80% were born within the United States.