CA Education for a Global Economy Initiative 

(Prop 58)


“The purpose of the California Education for a Global Economy (CA Ed.G.E.) Initiative  is to ensure that all children in California public schools receive the highest quality education, master the English language, and access high-quality, innovative, and evidence-based language programs that prepare them to participate in a global economy.” (California Education Code (EC) Section 300(n)

Five Components

How to Inform Parents

RUSD will ensure that stakeholders voice their interest about language programs and language acquisition programs through the following groups:

Prior to the adoption of the LCAP, RUSD must provide a written response to the input received from the English learner LCAP parent advisory committee.

Program Design: Two types of Evidence-based language programs

Parental Notice

Annual notifications are provided to parents or legal guardians to inform them of the types of language and language acquisition programs at the beginning of each school year.  Parental notice will be provided to parents or legal guardians upon registration for students enrolling after the beginning of the school year (EC section 48980 and 48981).  RUSD will ensure that all notices and other communication will be provided in English and translated in the parents’ primary language (EC section 48985).

Pic of Important Message.pdf

Parental Request for New Program

A new language program may be requested by parents. RUSD and all sites will follow the clear guidance provided by Prop 58.  

(5 CCR section 11311)