
What is reclassification?

Reclassification is the process where a student is reclassified from English learner (EL) status to Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) status. Reclassification can take place at any time during the academic year once the student meets all the criteria.

Reclassification Criteria

There are four parts to the reclassification criteria which are set forth in California EC Section 313 and 5 CCR Section 11303.  Click HERE to read the legal requirements.

Criterion 1:

Assessment of English Language Proficiency

All students with an ELPAC Overall 4 from the most recent school year are eligible to be considered for reclassification.

Criterion 2:

Teacher Evaluations

Teachers provide input on the eligible students' language language proficiency and mastery of the curriculum.

Criterion 3:

Parent Consultation

Parents of eligible students will be consulted and given the opportunity to provide input.

Criterion 4:

Basic Skills Relative to English Proficient Students

Comparison of the eligible students in basic skills (e.g. SBAC, district assessments) with the performance of English proficient students of the same age which demonstrates the eligible students are sufficiently proficient in English.

2023-2024 Reclassification Criteria

District Reclassification Criteria

Riverside Unified School District has identified the district assessments that are used for reclassification. 

Click HERE to access RUSD's reclassification criteria for the 23-24 school year. 

Monitoring of Reclassified Students

Riverside Unified School District is required to monitor reclassified students for at least four years to ensure that:

If RFEP students do not meet the same academic achievement goals set for all students during the four years and beyond, intervention and support are to be provided to ensure they reach and maintain parity with native-English peers.