
Mrs. Hally

Hello marvelous musicians!

I hope you all are getting into a good routine at home with your school work and getting in some Essential Arts time every day! For the remainder of the school year, you should be completing 30 minutes of music each week. You may use a piece of paper to log your work or take a picture or video to share.

How do you share your work?

What should you be doing?

  • Each week there will be a new activity posted in the blog. There are also older posts which are linked to fun websites and activities to try!

  • Musicians create what they’re thinking, feeling, experiencing, seeing, imagining. Share your own inspirations and creations! Maybe you’ll inspire someone else with your ideas!

Please feel free to e-mail me with questions or concerns. I am also happy to just have a chat, talk about music or walk you through some more focused activities or techniques and we can set that up via e-mail.