6th Grade

Ms. Garrow & Ms. Kelleher


This year, Ms. Garrow will be teaching Math to both 6th grade homerooms. Ms. Kelleher will be teaching ELA to both 6th grade homerooms. We will team teach Science and Social Studies. Twice the brain power has created some awesome programming in these subjects!

We are available during our office hours which are listed below. We will post Zoom links to Google Classroom on the day of for "drop in" office hours. We may ask to schedule one on one office hour sessions with students.

We are available to meet with students during their Independent Work Time listed on the schedule. We may reach out to students on Google Classroom, in this event, and schedule a time to Zoom ASAP.

While students are not working in a small group, this will be additional Independent Work Time. Student have received a more detailed individualized schedule.

Please contact us by email



Remote learning Schedule

FINAL 6th Grade Schedule

Google Classroom


Assignment Posting Schedule:

Monday - Math Assignment and Small Groups

Tuesdays - ELA Assignment and Small Groups, Specials Assignment

Wednesday - Math Assignment, Whole Class Stations, Small Group

Thursday - Science/Social Studies Assignment, Specials Assignment

Friday - ELA Assignment, Whole Class Stations

Office Hours:

Monday - Math 1:30-2:00, ELA 1:30-2:30

Tuesday - Math 11:00-12:00, ELA 10:30-11:30

Wednesday - No Scheduled Office Hours

Thursday - Math 10:30-11:15, ELA 11:15-12:00

Friday - Math 1:00-2:30

Specials Teachers:

Art - 1:00-1:20

Music - 1:30-1:50

P.E. - 2:00-2:20

  • iXL is a widely used program that is used to provide personalized instruction to students.