Create a system that generates or manipulates sounds and / or images using strategies presented throughout the semester, and cause this system to deliberately fail. Find the modes of failure that are most interesting to you, and spend some quality time failing. Learn to love the failure as if it were a newborn child, and prepare a short performance that does so, spectacularly.

You may perform by yourself, or you can start a band. If you’re starting a band, carefully consider each member’s role: you can split up sound / image duties, take different sections of the piece, divide up the visible / audible spectra, or devise any other means of collaborating (as long as you all end up performing).

Whether your performance is solo or with a group, don’t forget to set up rehearsal time (in the space where you plan to perform). Push it until we can feel the world falling apart beneath our feet.

Please upload a zip archive containing all code and materials used for your project to the Google Drive Folder below by Wednesday, January 29 at 1:09pm.

Upload here:

Please adhere to the naming convention