Please write a short description of what you have in mind for your final project (1–2 paragraphs is fine). This description can be at a very formative stage; it is understood that your proposal is subject to change, based on decisions you are led to by the processes of creation and iteration, as well as the discussions we have in class. The purpose of this assignment is simply to get you started thinking about the direction you are heading for your final project, and to get ideas percolating. If you are planning on working in a group, please be sure to mention that in your description; if there are specific people you would like to work with, please note that as well. We will discuss your proposals as a group in class.

Please upload your project description to the Google Drive Folder below by Thursday, January 30 at 1:09pm.

Upload here:

Please adhere to the naming convention Lastname_Firstname-FPP.pdf / Lastname_Firstname-FPP.doc / Lastname_Firstname-FPP.txt


Upload the following as a .zip file to the Google Drive Folder below by Sunday, February 9 at 11:59pm:

  • all files used to create your final project
  • 1 – 2 paragraphs describing your work
  • 2 – 3 screenshots or high-resolution photos
  • a video and/or audio recording of your piece

Please note that the failure to submit complete documentation will result in an Incomplete.

Upload here:

Please adhere to the naming convention