Physical Wellness and What We Can Do To Improve It

When we fail to take care of our physical health, the consequences can be dire. This April, in celebration of Physical Wellness Month, let us explore different ways to improve our daily habits, do an internal wellness check, and evaluate our healthy lifestyles.

Physical wellness is much more than all the things you see in popular culture and on social media. It isn't just about using the right skincare and popping vitamin supplements. Physical well-being plays a significant influence over our mental and emotional health, and even our professional lives. It deeply impacts the quality of life we lead. 

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. That and eating well, as well as paying attention to fitness are indeed essential aspects of well-being for the body, but the purpose is not to alter your appearance to fit into arbitrary standards set by society. Our motivation should focus on taking care of our bodies to thrive and lead a full life. Here are a few things you can challenge yourself to do and see if it will make you feel differently.


Exercise helps you burn more calories, improves cardiovascular health, as well as relieves stress and enhances mental focus. Aim for a brisk walk of 30 to 90 minutes a day. You can walk more on some days and less on others, but the total time should be at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) a week. 

Get enough sleep

A lot of us neglect our sleeping habits. However, sleep is vital for mental and physical recovery and cannot be stressed enough. If you haven't been getting enough sleep, some basic steps you can try working on having a regular sleep schedule, staying off screens, and relaxing about an hour prior to bedtime. 


Even with water being essential to all bodily processes, including the excretion of toxins, many of us tend to forget to drink enough water. Increase your water intake while at work by keeping a one-liter bottle of water at your desk to remind you to take regular sips. Also, listen to your body's signals, and drink whenever you feel thirsty.

Balance Nutrition

It's important to stick to a healthy, balanced diet. Ideally, aim to consume lots of fresh vegetables, healthy sources of carbs such as sweet potato, beans, peas, and the like, protein, and fats like avocado, olive oil, and fatty fish, as well as vitamin-packed fresh fruits. 

Keep stress in check

When stress rules your life, it can manifest in different ways. You could lose your appetite, sleep poorly, or even get sick.

Practicing self-care and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and meditation, can help you manage stress and deal with it more effectively. So, take time out every day — even just an hour — to focus on yourself.

At the end of the day, indulging in daily physical activities and taking care of our physical health — be it through exercise, yoga, eating well, getting good sleep, going on outdoor adventures, or even daily walks — makes us more disciplined. It helps us get into a routine, improving the quality of our lives and helping us thrive in all aspects.