Unplanned leaves that are granted due to an illness.


  • All regular employees are also entitled to 12 days paid SL per annum, and that all employees are also credited with 1 SL every 1st of the month.

  • Probationary employees who were hired between the first (1st) and fifteenth (15th) of a month will earn 1 SL credit on the 1st day of the following month, while those who were hired between the sixteenth (16th) and thirty-first (31st) of a month will earn .50 SL credit on the 1st day of the following month.

  • The utilization of SL credits can only be approved once relevant documents to support the absence/s are being presented by the employee and validated by the Company Nurse and/or Doctor, otherwise, the SL request shall be denied and the absence/s shall be meted by an appropriate corrective action .

  • For absences due to sickness/illness for three (3) or more consecutive days, a Fit to Work Certification/documentation must be presented by the employee within forty-eight (48) hours from the time the employee is bound to present it, otherwise, the employee will not be allowed to work unless the required Certification/document has been presented, verified and confirmed by the Company Nurse/Doctor .

  • Employee must file the leave on the applicable date(s) through the company’s timekeeping system and must be approved by the Immediate Supervisor.

  • Unused SL credits by the end of December shall be converted into cash at the end of the 1st quarter of the following year, and such leaves will be computed based on the daily rate when the credit was earned out.

  • Only 10 SL credits are non-taxable upon conversion, in excess of 10 SL credits will be subject to tax.

  • Employees who are on SL for 30 days and more shall not earn leave credits.

  • If the SL is between 15 to 29 days, the employee shall only earn 0.5 leave credits.

  • Upon resignation or separation of the employee, unused leave credits shall be converted to cash depending on the daily rate of the employee based on when the credit was earned and shall be included in the final pay.

  • The employee may secure a fit to work clearance/medical certificate from the company’s Corporate Retainer Physician (CRP) or clinic doctor for absences due to illness.


Acquire C&B Team will automatically activate the leave of the employee upon regularization.