LLC Expectations


1. C’mon in! Great to see you! Don’t forget to log-in on the Chromebook at the circ desk. 

2. Creativity is messy and genius is often loud, but some people prefer complete silence. Please keep volume low enough for only those at your table to hear you.

3. You got the power?!! You are responsible for charging your chromebook daily. Hint: Plug in your chromebook when you plug in your phone. We do not have extra chargers.

4. Isn't our furniture awesome?! Let’s make it last by treating it well. Bottoms belong in chairs, not on tables. Chairs are designed to hold one person only. 

5. We love collaboration! You want to move a chair to sit with your friends? No problem, as long as you return it to its original position when you’re done.

6. The house elf doesn’t live here! Clean up before you leave. There should be no candy wrappers, bits of paper, pencils, water bottles or ANYTHING at your space. 

7. Purposeful movement is allowed. Aimless movement is distracting. If you want to walk around to get to the printer or look for a book, no problem. If you are wandering, distracting others, and clearly not on task, you will be asked to leave. 

Three strikes, you’re out for the remainder of the quarter.

8. Personal devices are not allowed 

Unless you’re reading an eBook or working on a project that requires a teacher-approved app (ex: iMovie), your phone should be put away. 

Three strikes, you’re out for the remainder of the quarter. 

9. Can you hear me now? We do not provide headphones. You are responsible for bringing your own earbuds to school. Watching videos not associated with school is a violation. Invite your friends to your house to watch your favorite episodes instead. 

10. Go Guardian is a thing. We can see what you see. 

11. Show me the way! The only way to enter or exit the LLC is through our double front doors.  All Makerspace users must enter and exit through our front entrance or will lose their privileges.

12. Be a STAR. Respect our space and the people in it, and you will be more than welcome in the SRMS LLC!