Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Interested in bringing your personal device to use at Ridge View?

Student access to Dell Chromebooks is one way that Ridge View High School enhances the learning opportunities for our students.  Use of the devices is a privilege.  Students who use a computing device at school are expected to follow Richland Two’s policies, procedures, and practices outlined in Richland School District Two’s Responsible Use Policy which is available on the district web site,, in the Board of Trustees section.  The policies are IJND and IJND-RS and can found by clicking on Board Policies and then using the search feature for the policy manual.

Students and parents at RVHS are given the opportunity to decline the use of the Chromebook provided by the school if the parent or guardian wishes to have their child use a personal device while on campus. There must be a current Responsible Use Procedures (RUP) form on file for the student to take advantage of this option. The RUP can be signed on the Parent Portal.

Certain personal devices may not connect to the district’s secure WiFi. Ridge View High School and RSD2 assume no responsibility in connecting these devices to Wifi.  In addition, neither the school, nor RSD2, is responsible for damage or theft of personal devices brought on school grounds.

**You will need to complete and return a BYOD form each year in order to bring your personal device to school. 

**Please refer to this document for connecting your BYOD to the district WiFi.