14th January - Year 10 Virtual Work Experience
Dear Parents of Year 10 students,
Planning for the future is often a tough process, at Richard Challoner School we aim to help students with this as much as possible through their curriculum, the careers units and through activities. We are very excited this year to again be offering year 10 students the opportunity to access some free virtual work experience to take place during the February half term 2024 or during the month of February as some experiences may be spread out. Students will be given the information on how to sign up and the opportunities available and will be asked to complete a sign up sheet by 08th February at the latest. This will be via a showbie group and all information is available including instruction videos.
By asking students to sign up for the half term we can ensure that they can access the many varied support options available- from webinars, to live mentoring. There is a diverse mix of companies and industries involved.
Whilst work experience is no longer compulsory for school aged students, we feel it is important to help our students to experience the world of work before entering it. It allows them to explore new industries, research career ideas and develop relevant skills to strengthen and inform future applications and pathways. This builds on the programme of workplace experiences from year 8 Sons to work day and further opportunities of work experience in year 12.
We will be working with a company called Springpod who will help to track applications and provide a safe platform for students to access these opportunities.
Virtual Work Experience is totally flexible allowing students to work at their own pace. There will be an opportunity to meet leading professionals in live webinars so students can ask important questions and gain advice. Some of the activities range from 1 hour upwards.
Students will sign up whilst in school but we ask parents and carers to encourage and ensure students engage during the half term to what they have registered for.
Feedback on previous years has been very positive and is a proactive start on planning for the future.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs LJ Stansbridge
Mr K Mckenna
Year 10 Leader
4th December - Maths In Action
Dear Parent / Guardian,
10.45am – 3.45 pm Thursday 23rd January 2025,
Emmanuel Centre, London, SW1P3DW
We are delighted that we have managed to reserve thirty places for the above event. This is an outstanding opportunity for GCSE Level students to enjoy a day of mathematics. They will meet the Maths in Action team of mathematicians, engineers, statisticians, architects, code-breakers and more for the ultimate educational experience.
The cost is £21 including travel costs and admission. We will be leaving school at 9:00 am therefore pupils need to arrive at school as normal but we will not be back at school until 4.30pm. Pupils will need to bring a packed lunch with them and be dressed in full school uniform.
The service will open in MCAS under the Trip section on the Main Menu at 7pm this evening. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis therefore can you please make your payment via MCAS asap to ensure your child’s place
Kind regards
Mathematics Dept.
Richard Challoner
20th November - Christmas PE Lesson - Bowling
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As part of your Son’s Year 10 Physical Education Programme on the Tuesday 17th December we are visiting Hollywood Bowl (Tolworth) during their PE lesson.
We shall walk to the bowling alley, have one game of bowling and return to school by the end of the day.
The cost of the outing is £3.75. Please could you complete the online payment via MCAS
Mr P Manley
Director of Sport
Richard Challoner School
7th November - Yr10 Core Text - An inspector Calls
Dear Parent,
As part of your son’s English Literature GCSE, he will be studying “An Inspector Calls” by J B Priestly this term. This is a core text and it is compulsory that your son has a copy of it. The English Department is happy to provide a copy for him to keep at a cost of £6.57. It is preferable that all pupils have the same copy of the text to read and annotate.
The service to pay for this is now on MCAS and your son will be given his copy of the text once you have logged on and done so. If you require financial assistance or need to extend the payment deadlines this may be available on request. In this instance please contact Mrs S Harvey, the school Bursar or Mrs A Southall, the Pastoral Support Manager who will deal with each enquiry confidentially and on an individual basis.
Yours sincerely
Tanya Cheema
English Subject Leader
23rd October - GCSE's What can a parent do?
Dear Parents/Carers,
If you ordered a copy of the booklet “GCSEs what can a parent do?” following the Year 10 information evening, these have now arrived in school and were distributed to your son this morning to pass on to you.
Thank you for all the support you give your children in helping them through Years 10 and 11.
Kind regards
Mrs Costello
Assistant Head Teacher
11th October - iPad Headphones and Stylus
Dear Parents/Carers,
Over the last few years, we have asked students to ensure they have a suitable pair of headphones in school to use with their iPad, so they can access media content in class as directed by the teacher.
These could be wired or wireless headphones (including in-ear), but large over-head headphones are to be avoided, as they are bulky to carry around and far more likely to get damaged in bags. Please note that students are not allowed to wear earphones other than when directed by their teacher. Please ensure your son has a suitable pair of headphones to use in school.
Whilst all students will have exercise books for many subjects and will write with a pen in the ‘traditional’ way, there is also a need to write on the iPad to complete some work. Whilst a stylus is not a required piece of equipment, if a student prefers to use handwriting on their iPad rather than typing in text boxes, they should have a suitable stylus that will allow them to keep handwriting neat so it is legible to the teacher and for their own revision.
Apple pencils are a good choice, but at around £80, are an expensive option. There are a number of much cheaper styluses available on the market from sites such as Amazon from around £12. I would recommend one with a solid tip as they are likely to be more durable and some even have charge indicators so you can see visually when it is running low. We will not be selling Apple Pencils through the school this year, as we cannot secure them any cheaper.
Thank you for your anticipated support,
Mr Henderson
Deputy Head
27th September - GCSEs - What can a parent do?
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank so many of you for attending the Year 10 information evening last night, you can access the slides via this link: http://tinyurl.com/RCKS4-2024
In my talk, I referred to a booklet called “GCSEs what can a parent do?”. The booklet is now available on your MCAS account to purchase at a cost of £2.75.
The deadline for the purchase is Friday 11 October. Once the payment service is closed we will order the booklets, delivery takes about 2 weeks, so we will inform you when we have passed them onto your son which will probably be after half term.
Thank you for all the support you give your children in helping them through Years 10 and 11.
Your sincerely
Mrs Costello
Assistant Head Teacher
13th February - Will & Juliet - KS3 and KS4 Production
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This Summer, students in years 7 to 10 have an opportunity to take part in a production, written and directed by previous Head of Drama Mr Zoladkiewicz. 'Will and Juliet' depicts the life of Shakespeare and the apprentices of the Chamberlain's Men in Elizabethan England and was originally performed in 2017.
The play will run from 11th-13th of June in the main studio and all students are welcome to audition after the half-term break, by attending the introductory meeting and audition workshop with Mr L Norton and Mr Zoladkiewicz on Wednesday 26th February from 3.30-5pm in the Dance Studio.
If students are interested in taking part, they should join the Showbie class and complete the Google form, indicating whether they would like to act or fulfil a backstage/technical role. The code for the Showbie class is: U6FDP
If you any further questions about the production please do not hesitate to contact me through the usual channels.
Your sincerely,
Mr L Norton
17th September - Year 10 Careers year overview
Dear Parents/Carers of Year 10,
Richard Challoner School is committed to ensuring students have the best resources available to plan ahead for their future and as part of that students are provided with impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.
This can be in lessons, through school events, the careers library and also through the Careers Lead and CEIAG Advisor, Mrs Stansbridge.
Throughout the year Mrs Stansbridge will focus on seeing students either in small groups or individually beginning with students in year 11 to help them think about important choices for post 16 education. Students in years 7-13 will also be offered opportunities as the year progresses and at key points in their decision making.
For year 10,
• Careers appointments will begin in the summer term and are made with students through their student email. Please join us in encouraging students to check their emails and to think ahead about any questions they may have, or areas to explore. Students may be seen in pairs or small groups or as requested through pastoral staff.
• If, as a parent, you have questions or would like to speak to me please make contact through the email address below.
• Year 10 will also complete their careers unit in tutorial at the same time and this will focus on getting ready for making choices in year 11 about their next steps. They will reflect on their first year of GCSE’s and think ahead to end of year papers and revision.
• virtual work experience which will take place during February half term.
• National Apprenticeship Week in February and National Careers Week in March are celebrated in school with activities taking place during tutorial time and materials are placed on the website in advance.
Introducing the concept of careers and future planning at an early stage does allow students to explore their strengths and help to make informed choices. Each year group will also have time in their pastoral programme to explore these themes in more detail. Students are also welcome to drop into the careers office.
There will also be support for school activities and arranging for professionals from varying careers backgrounds to come in and work with students to inspire and bring the working world further into education.
This year we are continuing to use our careers platform called Xello. More information is available on the careers pages linked above and we hope to roll out a parent side later in the academic year to allow you to see your sons progress and career ideas. Students have access to this platform via their ipads and can use independently and during guided time in careers units
Please also visit the careers pages on the school website https://www.richardchalloner.com/careers where there will regularly be information regarding events or opportunities as well as some useful information for parents around career planning. I will write to you again with an update once I have completed the appointments.
If you are able to support in these activities through giving a talk, representing your company or industry or sharing stories with students please complete the following short google form- Click here
Please take this opportunity to talk at home about future plans and if you have any queries, questions or would like to support these activities in anyway please contact the school or email careersiag@challoner.kingston.sch.uk
Yours sincerely
Mrs LJ Stansbridge
CEIAG Lead (Careers Education and Information Advice and Guidance)
12th July - Introducing our New Martial Arts Class
Dear Parents,
We are excited to announce the launch of a new initiative here at Richard Challoner School, our very own Martial Arts Club! We are constantly seeking ways to enrich our students' experiences both inside and outside the classroom. We firmly believe that martial arts not only instils physical fitness but also cultivates discipline, focus, and respect; values that are integral to the development of our boys.
The Martial Arts Club will provide a structured environment where students can learn the Korean martial art of Taekwondo. We will also run a series of martial arts taster sessions: Boxing, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Kickboxing. These will be on first come first served with a register circulated prior.
The sessions will be led by experienced instructors who are passionate about both martial arts and education, our aim is to create a supportive and inclusive community where every participant can thrive.
Here are some key details about the Martial Arts Club:
1. Club Times:
The club will meet once a week on Mondays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm initially. We understand the importance of balancing academic commitments with extracurricular activities, so the schedule is designed to accommodate students' other obligations. This day may be subject to change depending on circumstances. After the initial taster sessions there will be an opportunity to join a paid club after school on Thursdays from 4.30 to 5.30pm.
2. Curriculum:
Our curriculum is designed to cater to students of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Through a combination of technical instruction, physical conditioning, and sparring exercises, participants will develop their martial arts proficiency while also honing important life skills such as self-discipline and self-confidence.
3. Safety Measures:
The safety and well-being of our students are paramount. We have taken all necessary precautions to ensure a safe training environment, including providing protective gear and enforcing strict adherence to safety protocols during training sessions.
4. Benefits:
In addition to the physical and mental benefits of martial arts training, participation in the club offers numerous other advantages, including opportunities for leadership development, teamwork, and personal growth.
We believe that the Martial Arts Club will be a valuable addition to the extracurricular offerings at Richard Challoner School.
Please complete this form https://forms.gle/3AcbQRMymhhxr1K87 to express your son’s interest. We encourage you to fill it in as soon as possible.
More communication regarding start dates, exact times and payment details will be sent out at the beginning of the new school year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to
me by email at: mrsemwogerere@challoner.kingston.sch.uk
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Kind regards,
A Semwogerere