Running SQL Queries

Querying a Database

This code executes a SELECT query to return birthdays in a particular month. It then checks for the number of results using the mysql_num_rows function. If there are no results then we will display a suitable message. If not then we will display the results using a table.

Displaying the results

We will use an HTML table to present the results - more information can be found here. The code below assumes that our query has been executed successfully and has some results (using the SELECT code above for example).

Close the connection

INSERT Querys and PHP

INSERT Pseudocode

After connecting to the database and assigning variables as before:    


Updating or Deleting Records

When we update (or delete) a record it is executed in the same way as an INSERT query. In that it will not return a result. An UPDATE or DELETE query that does executes successfully may still not affect any records.

We can use the mysqli_affected_rows() function to check how many rows were changed.

Example Update Query

This code assumes a suitable UPDATE query has been executed. The logic for a DELETE query would be identical.