Final and End User Testing

Final testing is the final stage of testing when the system is complete. This will use real data/scenarios supplied by the customer/client but would still be conducted by the developers.

The aim is to ‘prove’  the functionality, reliability and robustness of the system. This final testing may identify omissions from the original requirement specification (if the developer is at fault then these would need to be provided). Any omissions from the client side could result in a further contract being issued.

User (Beta) Testing

Another option available to developers is User Testing (beta testing).

End User or Beta testing involves delivering a system to a number of potential users. They will then report problems to the system developers. 

This can be an open beta (to the general public) or closed beta (invited members or an independent test group)

Open and Public Beta

An open or public beta is when any member of the public is available to test your product. An open beta may last for many months using different versions (or builds). A closed beta is when a select group of the public or employees of an organisation are invited/eligible to test your product

The product should be subject to changes/improvements as a result of user feedback. This can be between builds.

After this feedback, the system is modified and released either for further beta testing or for general sale.