Data Dictionary

The only difference from Data Dictionaries already covered at N5 and Higher are that we will look at using SQL data types.

SQL Data Types

When defining the table structure through SQL you are expected to be able to use the following SQL data types:


VARCHAR is a variable length string of a maximum of 65,535 bytes.


username VARCHAR(35);

Would define a field called username with a maximum length of 35 characters.

Numeric Fields

There are two numeric SQL fields we will use:


age int ;

average float;

averagePrice float(4,2) 

Data Dictionary - Using SQL Datatypes

As the Hotel and Booking tables contain Foreign Keys these tables will be shown last.

Resort Table Data Dictionary

Customer Table Data Dictionary

Hotel Table Data Dictionary

Booking Table Data Dictionary

Surrogate Keys

If there is no field that can be unique for every record then you can create a key.

For example consider the following fields in a pupil table:

There is no unique field, it is even possible that there is a pupil with the same forename, surname and date of birth, so we may end up needing to use a compound key of more than 3 fields. 

As none of those fields are unique so we would create a new field to use as a primary key. Usually an ID number such as PupilID. This is known as a surrogate key.

This surrogate key has no real life meaning but is there purely to act as a primary key. It will usually be a numeric/alphanumeric field and surrogate keys will often use an auto increment value to ensure there is no duplication to ensure entity integrity.