
Course Content Specification

What is in a project plan?

The primary aspects of a project plan are:

Tasks and Deadlines

A project should be broken down into an appropriate set of tasks. Tasks should be broken down into sub tasks. Once subtasks are identified timescales and deadlines will have to be assigned - people work more effectively to deadlines

Advantages of sub tasks:


If a task has a relationship with another task then there may be a dependency between the tasks:

Finish to Start: Activity A must finish before Activity B can begin

A: Foundations Dug B: Concrete Poured

Finish to Finish: Activity A must be complete before activity B can finish

A : Last chapter written) B (Entire book written)

Start to Start: Activity B can only start after Activity A has started

Start to Finish: Activity B cannot finish before Activity A has finished

A: New shift started B: Previous Shift finish

Gantt Charts

These are diagrams used to represent the scheduling of tasks and sub tasks along with start and completion dates. 

An example is shown below:

 A sample Gantt Chart

Critical Path

Critical path analysis identifies all tasks that must be complete and their minimum time length. An extension to any of these tasks would result in the delay of completion of the entire project. 

The sample of the Gantt chart shows that certain tasks have been pattern shaded as they are in the critical path.

This shows that if any of these tasks take any extra time then that will delay the completion time of the project.

Some of the other tasks will have some slippage time, that is they can run over by some time without the project completion time changing.

Resources and Scheduling

Resources can include access to development tools and end users.

These could be:

Some of these could be available at any time, while others may only be available at certain times. 

This tab in the Gantt project shows the demand placed on particular resources, in this instance they are personnel but resources could be physical resources such as hardware/rooms.