Counseling Services


Individual counseling is available to students on a limited, short-term basis to support students in a variety of areas. Students are welcome to fill out a note outside Mrs. Kauth's office door to request an appointment.


Counseling groups run periodically throughout the school year. Groups typically meet once a week for seven weeks. Topics vary and may include: new students, family change, being a successful student, positivity, mindfulness, and others as needed. Staff and parents may recommend a student to participate in small group counseling sessions. Students will be added to groups as sessions arise throughout the school year.


The school counselor visits classrooms to lead school counseling or "guidance" lessons. Topics for these lessons vary and may included: understanding our feelings, self-regulation strategies, friendship, problem-solving, bullying, learning styles, identifying interests, career exploration, being a successful student, and others as needed.

Parent Contact:

The school counselor welcomes parent communication. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Kauth with any questions or concerns.