
For specific use or just 'cause!

Thank you.

Toward Reiki Treatments for Any Animals

Soon to come: options to donate toward Reiki Treatments for Horses and Birds! Please use the "Any Animals" link for now. <3

Toward Reiki Treatments for Cats

(photo by @leandreja)

Toward Reiki Treatments for Dogs

(photo by @nietjuh78)

Toward the Planet: the earth, water, all beings. Reiki blessings for the whole world!

(photo by xeppo)

(PS: I send out Reiki to the planet often with no necessity for donation. There are so many ways to help heal the Earth. AND I know you may want to contribute by pouring in your intention to the Reiki I send so I made it an option.

Toward Reiki Treatments for Any Persons

(photo by Brit Klepac)

**If you want to have Reiki sent to a specific person or animal, Rad Reiki might be the right fit for you!

Toward Reiki for Today (in general)

Toward the Cup of Cope Podcast