Animal Reiki

Healing for your Loving Companion or Best Friend

About Animal Reiki for Cats and Dogs

Treatment plans for horses, goats and chickens are in development! Let me know what kind of animal is in your life!

Reiki is a powerful tool to use with animals. Many pets are open and curious about Reiki and if they allow the energy to flow through them, it helps them to relax. In cases where animals are injured or physically suffering from illness, Reiki can help promote internal healing. And just as Reiki encourages soothing of the mind, body and spirit for humans, the energy can help animals the same way.

Reiki Practitioners have volunteered at animal shelters, hospitals and have sent Reiki remotely to animals in need.

Animals also have a system of chakras. They also may have blockages in their bodies or energy fields that Reiki works to open up and release. Animals have inner wisdom and Reiki reinforces their natural healing processes similarly to how it works with humans.

Marshall in session with a dog.

Reiki Practitioners must gain permission from the animal before the animal can receive a Reiki treatment. If the animal doesn't give permission, the practitioner will honor the animal and ask again at a later time.

Usually, animals give permission when the practitioner earns their trust and they can tell the energy is only going to help them. They also let the practioner know when their session is ending.

Most animals show their benefit from the process by displaying more energy or more calm depending on where the imbalance originated. Reiki is also good for humans and animals that are functioning quite normally.

Ready to schedule? Visit the Scheduling page or scroll to use the form!

Reiki is not meant to be used in place of medical care. If your pet is experiencing problems, the recommended first treatment is for your veterinarian to assist your animal.

After seeking medical assistance, if your pet is recovering, is stressed or ill or just not like his/her/their normal self, Reiki may be a comforting component for his/her/their wellness.

Marshall giving (and receiving!) Reiki with a cat.

PLEASE NOTE: In-home/In-person treatments are not available during current circumstances. Remote/Distance Treatments are available for animals and people all over the world!

N/A: In-home first animal Reiki treatments for a fee of $85.

This fee covers locations within Asheville or within 10 miles from Pack Square, Asheville's city center.

In-home follow-ups are $75. Packages (below) are also available to save money for future treatments.

N/A: For locations near Asheville, the first in-home treatment fee is $90.

This fee applies to homes located between 10+ and 25 miles from Asheville's city center, Pack Square.

In-home follow-ups are $80. Packages (below) are also available to save money for future treatments.

* Please contact me with any requests for fee adjustment or if your home is located outside of the parameters listed above.

Packages are available!

If you'd like to prepay, click on the package image.

Gift Certificates are meow available for packages and individual treatments. Woof!

Looking for frequent treatments? Care Plans are now available for one or two treatments per month!

Animal Reiki can be very effective. This is a tight package of four treatments to be used within a month or two at a frequency of a treatment every week or every other week. The practitioner must have the permission of the animal in order for the treatment to take place.

I have worked with animals in the same room and from many miles away and Reiki is effective in both cases. Working with animals is such an honor for me. I am amazed by the inner wisdom and strength they possess and I feel humbled in their presence. My own dog loves Reiki and he's so used to it now, he nearly goes limp when I put my hands in position. :)

Ready to schedule your first session? Use the form below!

If you'd like to know more or to schedule your animal companion's first treatment, please call 828-484-2415.

You may also email or use the contact form to get in touch.