
'You and your leaders place safeguarding at the heart of the school.'

Ofsted September 2016

Redden Court School aims to provide comprehensive support to our whole school community.

Each child is allocated to a Form Tutor group which will be guided by a Form Tutor who, under normal circumstances, will remain with his or her group as they progress through the school. The Form Tutor may not teach the child every year, but they will keep a watchful eye on overall performance and progress.

They also:

  • Ensure that the attendance register is marked on time and accurately
  • Is fully aware of Child Protection Policies and immediately refers any issues to the Child Protection Officer
  • Deliver a key tutor time programme to support SMSC
  • Check student uniform
  • Coach tutees
  • Work with the Head of Year in identifying those vulnerable
  • Positively promotes the school ethos in order to limit negative behaviours, by encouraging the participation of students in the extra-curricular life of the school
  • Ensure that tutees are aware of crucial school policies, particularly Fire Evacuation Procedures
  • Ensure that the Rewards policy relating to House Points is followed
  • Ensure that notices and letters are collected from the designated area on a daily basis
  • Maintain a form notice area in the form room
  • Oversee the appointment of Form Reps and to ensure that they fulfil their duties
  • Ensure that the form group attend assembly
  • Recognise the importance of the Planner, reviewing each students planner once a week and signing every planner, reporting any issues to the Head of Year
  • Support a culture of learning by working with tutees in ensuring that they are completing quality classwork / home learning on a regular basis
  • Complete documentation such as reports

The Head of Year has overall responsibility for all Tutor Groups in his or her year group, and works closely with Form Tutors to provide a constant source of support and guidance. It will be the Head of Year who oversees the performance of a year group and will provide support and guidance to students, on a whole host of issues, when they need it. Should you have concerns, the Head of Year will be your main point of call. The entire Pastoral system at Redden Court is overseen by the Assistant Head for Pastoral.

'Pupils feel safe because they can raise concerns to any member of staff, or through the schools safeguarding telephone number.'

Ofsted September 2016