Graduation Requirements

Suspended Graduation Requirements

On April 9, 2020, the RE-1 Valley Board of Education approved a Resolution to Grant Emergency Powers and Suspend Policies. Under this resolution, the following changes to the graduation requirements for the class of 2020 were approved:

1. Suspend the ICAP credit requirement.

-Traditional Diploma 0.5 credit

- Core Diploma 1.0 credit (this includes the three WorkKeys tests)

2. Change the total credit requirement per the suspension.

- Traditional Diploma New Total: 26.5 credits Current Total: 27.0 credits

- Core Diploma New Total: 17.0 credits Current Total: 18.0 credits

Other Options

Additionally, the following options are also available to seniors. Students need to contact their counselor to discuss how these options may affect them.

  • reduce student schedules to essential required courses only

  • award proficiency credits for English and Math, per district policy, using the state Graduation Guidelines Menu

  • move students to a core diploma if necessary and appropriate


Ms. Frank, A - K

Mrs. Reeves, L - Z

Mrs. Hradecky, Special Education