NYS Toolkit Project Inquiries

Thank you for attending the Inquiry in Social Studies Workshop.  You'll find the presentation and electronic copies of the materials we used below.

There are several different models that can be used when planning and implementing Inquiry-Based Learning.  In New York State, after the adoption of the K-12 NYS Social Studies Framework in 2014, NYSED sponsored the NYS Toolkit Project.  The outcome of this project was the creation of the Inquiry Design Model (IDM) and six "Inquiries" for each grade level that align specifically to NYS Social Studies requirements.  


New York State K-12 Social Studies Framework

New York State Toolkit Inquiries

New York State commisioned the creation of 6 Inquiries for each grade level/course.  We have downloaded these and placed them in our RCSD Curriculum folders on Google Drive for your convenience.  You can find an Inquiry folder within each grade-level/course-specific folder.  There are two copies of each inquiry - one in .pdf form and one in Word format so you can modify as you see fit.  You may also find links to the inquiries on engageNY separated by grade-level: