Franklin Upper Hallway Expectations

Summary of the Plan

This plan was developed during the 22-23 school year as a Building Committee and Administration initiative to address continued issues in our hallways with the idea that by focusing on better-managed hallways and by setting clear expectations for all, many of the wider disruptive/negative behaviors will begin to subside. 

Specifics of the Behavior Management Flowchart were largely based off of the RCSD Code of Conduct but tailored to better suit the needs of Franklin Upper. It is understood that Classroom Management is at the professional discretion of each teacher and Level 1 supports as listed are meant to be used as suggestions that teachers may use to enrich their own Classroom Management style.

Though we shouldn't expect immediate perfection, this was an important first step in working through some of our regular issues and will continue to develop through feedback from teachers, SSOs, administrators, and students.

With this all in mind, it is incredibly important to remember that this plan will only work if all building stakeholders are following the same expectations. It is also important to remember that this plan is a work in progress and the Building Committee and administration are committed to identifying issues and finding solutions through feedback so this plan will be successful.

(Approved in 2023 in Building Committee)

Jan 30 22-23 Behavior Management.pdf
Behavior Plan Sept 1.pdf