semi-transparent colored circles overlaying each other in a larger circle showing the interconnectedness of Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Financial, Occupational, Social dimensions to overall wellness

SAMHSA's Eight Dimensions of Wellness

WELLNESS IS MULTIFACETED. The SAMHSA Wellness Initiative identifies Eight Dimensions of Wellness, along with basic needs related to each one. The dimensions influence one another and affect a person's overall health and quality of life. 

semi-transparent colored circles overlaying each other in a larger circle showing definitions and the interconnectedness of Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Financial, Occupational, Social dimensions to overall wellness

Explore the Eight Dimensions of Wellness below! 

Emotional wellness logo
Environmental wellness logo
Financial wellness logo
Intellectual wellness logo
Occupational wellness logo
Physical wellness logo
Social wellness logo
Spiritual wellness logo