Breakout Sessions

Google Camp 2021

Presented by the Riverside County Office of Education in partnership with the Menifee Union School District, we are delighted to have provided this learning and sharing opportunity for K-12 teachers and administrators in Riverside County and beyond.

The summer program focuses on teaching and learning utilizing Google Apps for Education, Chromebooks, Google Classroom, and a variety of other educational solutions. It is designed to walk new online educators through the fundamentals of remote learning, introducing them into new strategies, tools, and troubleshooting abilities they'll need to teach with more confidence.

"There's a video for that!" Top 5 Ways to use Screencasts in the Hybrid/Blended/Face-to-Face Classroom

Screencasts were an essential part of distance learning, but did you know that there are many ways that they can be used in a hybrid/blended/face-to-face classroom? This presentation will cover our top five tried and true tips and resources for implementing screencasts with Screencastify and Google Classroom when we go back to "normal" to optimize student learning.


Laurel Aguilar-Kirchhoff

Sonal Patel


Creation over consumption: buncee in the classroom

Creation over consumption is a necessity in today's classrooms. In this session, I will introduce you to one of our favorite creation tools, Buncee


Deborah Zeman

Amy Storer

Leticia Citizen


Deeper learning with the t2 transformational eduprotocols

In this follow up session, participants will interactively experience how to work less, teach better, and realize explosive deeper learning in an online, hybrid, or face-to-face environment. Participants will interactively explore the T2 Transformational Learning strategies by contributively experiencing several T2 EduProtocols. The T2 EduProtocols accelerate students’ deeper learning ability—the capacity to consolidate surface learning by rapidly deepening their conceptual understanding and representation of essential content knowledge. Participants will be able to immediately and successfully use a sampling of the T2 EduProtocols with their students.


Sonny Magana

Digital Student portfolio: critical components of sel

When you help students to establish and maintain a digital portfolio, you are giving them a powerful way to grow in terms of both self-awareness and self-management. Explore all of the benefits of student portfolios (for teachers, too!) and learn how you can implement this strategy immediately using New Google Sites.


Erik Anderson

Brenda Nievas


From docs to forms

Got some great resources you've used in your classroom and wish there was a way to turn them into digital assessments that will give you timely feedback? There is no need to recreate the wheel or retype your resources in order to use them virtually. This session will show you how to turn you paper and digital resources into Google Form quizzes for fast feedback and easy grading.


Maria Purcar


Lessons learned: building & strengthening relationships with students

Teachers know strong relationships with students are the heart of our successes, and we’ve learned many students need those relationships to extend beyond the instructional minutes and the walls of the classroom. Building and strengthening relationships via asynchronous, two-way communication can help! Come learn some simple (and free!) tools to use all year long: Flipgrid, Google Classroom comments, and Mote.

Since this session is about asynchronous, two-way communication, please check out this "pre-session"/asynchronous activity: Flipgrid - (Click on "Enter your guest password." The password is googlecamp2021)

1) Please introduce yourself - your name, where you work, and what you do.

2) Share with us a few of your favorite activities/resources: in the traditional classroom, what do you do to build relationships with your students? And what do you do during the year to strengthen those relationships?

3) Return to the Fliprid Topic to check out ideas from fellow participants. Feel free to respond to them with a written comment or a video comment.


Angela Milversted


pear deck in the secondary ela classroom

This session will focus on drawing out reluctant high school students in the ELA classroom by using Pear Deck templates and various embedded sites along with the provided question types.


Verity Olliff


amplifying accessibility with google

In this session, we'll review Google’s Accessibility Tools to help support all learners in your classroom! Create equitable access for all of your students and level up your use of Google Workspace.


Brittany Conrad


google classroom progress reports & more!

Google Classroom is an amazing tool to interact with students and collect student work. This session will look at built in features of Google Classroom for how you can know how students are doing in your class. How to export scoring information and review student progress. For Google Classroom information that is difficult to obtain, briefly, you will be introduced to for how you can FOR FREE get the progress reports and missing assignments reports that you need.


Alice Keeler


jamboard is my jam

I will show how Jamboard can be used in a collaborative environment, making backgrounds and templates that can be made and used to enhance student collaboration and learning.


Diana Mapes


make creative splashes riding the wakelet wave

Amplify the voice, learning, and engagement of students and teachers by offering creative options with the online tool curation tool, Wakelet. Go beyond telling stories, sharing information, and offering PD in the standard ways by using Wakelet to achieve greater engagement, organization, and inspiration.


Leticia Citizen

managing a 3d modeling & printing program remotely

In this virtual presentation, we will discuss 3D printing and building and how it can be incorporated into your curriculum as well as how to use Tinkercad to build your own 3D designs. We will also discuss how to teach 3D building remotely with Tinkercad Classrooms or Google Classroom.


Judy Nguyen

Pete Nguyen


start with a great question, "finish" with an inquiry project

Designing inquiry-based projects in a student-centered classroom requires a plan. This session will lay out such a plan, starting with asking good questions, and ending with students sharing their learning through inquiry-based projects. Along the way, we'll share how we can incorporate what the Finns call transversal competencies - learning and personal development attributes that span virtually any content and help our students develop quality learning skills to tackle whatever challenges they face in their futures.


Jay Sorensen

Mike Vollmert


technology & interent access is a civil right

Some argue that access to technology and the internet is an enabler of rights but not a right in it of itself. But in today's world, access to technology and the internet is required to be full participants in society. Access to healthcare, education, and the economy has been moving online. During this global health pandemic, technology and the internet is crucial to deliver these services.

Attend this session/ open discussion to collaborate on what your district is doing or has plans to do.


Joseph Williams


building community with among us

In this virtual session, we will explain the newest trend, the game Among Us. Make sure to download the game on your mobile device before joining to follow along. We, including a student presentor, will demonstrate how to lead a game of Among Us remotely and ways game playing can build community.


Judy Nguyen

Pete Nguyen


Drive faster

I am excited to share with you strategies for organizing your Google Drive so that you can more easily navigate through it and get to what you want to find so that you can spend more time creating, sharing, and collaborating. We will be exploring the following routes for navigating through Drive - AI Predicted Files, Workspaces, Starred, Shortcuts, and Creative Naming.

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

Understand the purpose for each route (AI Predicted Files, Workspaces, Starred, Shortcuts, and Creative Naming)

Find the AI Predicted Files

Know how the AI predicts files for you

Create Workspaces

Add and remove files to Workspaces

Hide and remove Workspaces

Star and unstar files and folders

Access Starred files and folders

Add and remove Shortcuts

Use spaces, emojis, and numbers to control the organization of files and folders in My Drive


Kate Applebee


engaging students in online synchronous academic discourse

If you're a secondary teacher asking yourself this question, “How can I increase student engagement & participation in synchronous online discussions?”, then this training is for you! We'll discuss strategies for how to stimulate academic discourse in your virtual synchronous sessions with students! This session is geared more towards secondary, however the practices that are being discussed are general “best practices” and can be modified for lower grade levels. We will be presenting on Zoom using PearDeck; a link to the presentation will be provided at the end of the session!


Ashley Yazarlou

Derek Rouch


meaningful engagement with google tools

Come engage in a series of activities that promote relationship building, collaboration, communication, and autonomy. We will leverage Google Workspace as ‘tools of engagement,’ engagement that you can replicate with your students! Participants will walk away with strategies for engaging both students and educators in both online and in-person training sessions!


Brittany Conrad


ready player one

We will share some of our favorite ideas and resources for integrating play into your lessons and learning experiences. Whether you are distance, seat-based, or hybrid, come play and learn. Even educators need a chance to play and enjoy the company of their students and colleagues.


Michelle Van Omum

Nicole Chun


welcome to desmos for non-math teachers

Learn how to use the tools of Desmos and design highly engaging and interactive lessons for students outside of the math classroom. Teachers will be shown how to use this technology to create both lessons and independent assignments that show student progress and participation in real time.


Donna Goode


what's new from google for education

Come hear the latest updates, features, and releases from Google for Education and get a peek at the roadmap ahead.


Thomas Dickson


digital tools for creativity with english language learners (primary K, 1, 2)

Level the EdTech playing field by having English Language Learners use basic digital tools to create original works of digital media, while learning in English!


Brian Lopez

Formative assessments with flippity

Here you will learn how to use to assess, engage, and evaluate students in an interactive manner. The focus will be on a few games for engagement like matching cards, Jeopardy, and Bingo to name a few. Learn how to increase equity and access to grade level curriculum in an engaging way. This workshop will apply to distance, hybrid, or in-person instruction and is intended for all educators grades K-12.


Zack Safi


got udl? all students are created equitable

By focusing UDL strategies to differentiate learning opportunities in content, literacy, inquiry and citizenship, history/social science content becomes accessible for ALL learners. By studying and analyzing the past, we can create students who are indeed, Future Ready. Leave with materials to create your own equitable lesson!


Kim Vogu

interactive formative assessment using google forms

Do you wish you could be the tutor on the shoulder for your students? Are you buried in assignments to review or grade with limited opportunities to give students feedback when they need it most--during the learning process? Google Forms is an amazing tool for providing that immediate instruction, review, and feedback. It allows you to give each student just what is needed based on a chosen response. While it does require teacher prep time to anticipate student misunderstandings or needs and then to gather and link the supporting resources, it also frees up time that is usually spent on scoring so your time is used more effectively to provide students with the right feedback at just the right time.


Connie Born-Wood


jamboard for early literacy instruction

Our educational world has shifted due to the introduction of distance/hybrid learning. Jamboard offers an exciting digital path to support students as they develop phonological awareness (PA) and letter-sound correspondences on their path to becoming readers. Learn to use Jamboard to teach PA and phonics with your students in grade TK-1.


Lisa Curtis


standards based grading

How to set up a standards-based grading system in your classroom to ensure equity and fair grading procedures.


Jennie Gyford

tech tools for math lesson design

Overview of a variety of online tools that allow students to explore, explain and apply their math knowledge. Nearpod, Desmos, Geogebra, Quizizz, Edpuzzle, Google Apps for Education and more will be discussed along with ways to package and integrate lessons into Google Classroom using HyperDocs.


Kristan Morales


curating connection & postivity using google workspace

This is for educators who REFUSE to lose connection...whether it be in person or virtual. In this collaborative session we will explore how to leverage digital tools to build and maintain healthy relationships and connection with students --the foundation for their learning.


Noaveyar Lee


engaging students in online synchronous academic discourse

If you're a secondary teacher asking yourself this question, “How can I increase student engagement & participation in synchronous online discussions?”, then this training is for you! We'll discuss strategies for how to stimulate academic discourse in your virtual synchronous sessions with students! This session is geared more towards secondary, however the practices that are being discussed are general “best practices” and can be modified for lower grade levels. We will be presenting on Zoom using PearDeck; a link to the presentation will be provided at the end of the session!


Derek Rouch

Ashley Yazarlou


google + canvas = working together!

Google Assignments can be integrated with your Canvas course! Do not redo all your resources in Google just because your district is now using Canvas LMS. Learn how to bring all your Google items into your Canvas course and utilize the best of both platforms.


Dana Thompson


google classroom progress reports & more!

Google Classroom is an amazing tool to interact with students and collect student work. This session will look at built in features of Google Classroom for how you can know how students are doing in your class. How to export scoring information and review student progress. For Google Classroom information that is difficult to obtain, briefly, you will be introduced to for how you can FOR FREE get the progress reports and missing assignments reports that you need.


Alice Keeler


line game - transformed

Participate in this session to learn about an in-class face to face interactive activity that has been transformed into a digital activity using Jamboard. By providing students with questions and statements to identify shared experiences this activity can help to develop and strengthen relationships between students in the class as well as teacher relationships with students and focuses on building a culture of empathy.


Diane Pales


the year tech saved education & the beginning of an education revolution

Participants will be led on a journey of self-discovery and education reform. 2020 has been the year of years, but through this session, participants will see the numerous positive benefits that have come forth during the pandemic and how those benefits can change educators/education forever. This session will inspire participants and provide concrete examples, research, resources, and connections to transform education.


Mike Grothem


There's a protocol for that! google & eduprotocols: online solutions for student engagement

This presentation is designed for the teacher who is interested in seeing how Eduprotocols can work in their class. The session will be organized around the type of learning the teacher wants to use. For example, writing, there's a protocol for that! Repetitive practice? There's a protocol for that! Research? There's a Protocol for that too!


Paulla Tilton

digital tools for creativity with english language learners (primary k, 1, 2)

Level the EdTech playing field by having English Language Learners use basic digital tools to create original works of digital media, while learning in English!


Brian Lopez

from passive to active voice using nearpod

Engage with Nearpod to experience how to cultivate an environment of active learning, support emerging voices, and provide choice for diverse learners.


Leticia Citizen


get students talking - using desmos

Many students like to talk, and many teachers wish those conversations could be leveraged for learning. See how teachers can use Desmos activity builder to structure tasks that use students' natural language. Together we can build better academic talk and deeper understanding of content. Focus will be on digital card sorts, with small highlights for similar activities.


Jedidiah Butler

Emma Bennett

google keep: the secret to making executive function easy

Are you ready to learn about Google Keep, one of the best kept secrets of supporting student’s executive function? This set of digital post it notes can be integrated into Google Docs and Slides to help students with writing tasks, self regulation and more! You can also share visuals, checklists, and reminders as well!


Diana ReeReeder

pear deck & social science

Learn how to use PearDeck for all things related to distance and hybrid learning. I have adapted multiple Stanford History Education Group lessons for PearDeck and created other awesome resources to "Share the Pear!" This session will include Flashcard Factory and a free 90 day premium access link!


Brianna Davis


start with a great question, "finish" with an inquiry project

Designing inquiry-based projects in a student-centered classroom require a plan. This session will lay out the plan, starting with asking good questions, and ending with students sharing their learning through inquiry-based projects. Along the way, we'll share how we can incorporate what the Finns call transversal competencies - learning and personal development attributes that span virtually any content and help our students develop quality learning skills to tackle whatever challenges they face in their futures.


Jay Sorensen

Mike Vollmert


three methods to increasing literacy across the content areas

In 21st Century schools, it is no longer acceptable to rely solely on language arts teachers to increase literacy. Common Core standards have called upon educators to focus on literacy instruction across the content areas. In today’s session, teachers will learn new methods to effectively create and sustain literacy instruction that is equitable and engaging for all students.


Tricia Stanier


digital student portfolios: critical components of sel

When you help students to establish and maintain a digital portfolio, you are giving them a powerful way to grow in terms of both self-awareness and self-management. Explore all of the benefits of student portfolios (for teachers, too!) and learn how you can implement this strategy immediately using New Google Sites.


Erik Anderson

Brenda Nievas


drive faster

I am excited to share with you strategies for organizing your Google Drive so that you can more easily navigate through it and get to what you want to find so that you can spend more time creating, sharing, and collaborating. We will be exploring the following routes for navigating through Drive - AI Predicted Files, Workspaces, Starred, Shortcuts, and Creative Naming.

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

Understand the purpose for each route (AI Predicted Files, Workspaces, Starred, Shortcuts, and Creative Naming)

Find the AI Predicted Files

Know how the AI predicts files for you

Create Workspaces

Add and remove files to Workspaces

Hide and remove Workspaces

Star and unstar files and folders

Access Starred files and folders

Add and remove Shortcuts

Use spaces, emojis, and numbers to control the organization of files and folders in My Drive


Katie Applebee


interactive formative assessment using google forms

Do you wish you could be the tutor on the shoulder for your students? Are you buried in assignments to review or grade with limited opportunities to give students feedback when they need it most--during the learning process? Google Forms is an amazing tool for providing that immediate instruction, review, and feedback. It allows you to give each student just what is needed based on a chosen response. While it does require teacher prep time to anticipate student misunderstandings or needs and then to gather and link the supporting resources, it also frees up time that is usually spent on scoring so your time is used more effectively to provide students with the right feedback at just the right time.


Connie Born-Wood


lessons Learned: building & strengthening relationships with students

Teachers know strong relationships with students are the heart of our successes, and we’ve learned many students need those relationships to extend beyond the instructional minutes and the walls of the classroom. Building and strengthening relationships via asynchronous, two-way communication can help! Come learn some simple (and free!) tools to use all year long: Flipgrid, Google Classroom comments, and Mote.

Since this session is about asynchronous, two-way communication, please check out this "pre-session"/asynchronous activity: Flipgrid - (Click on "Enter your guest password." The password is googlecamp2021)

1) Please introduce yourself - your name, where you work, and what you do.

2) Share with us a few of your favorite activities/resources: in the traditional classroom, what do you do to build relationships with your students? And what do you do during the year to strengthen those relationships?

3) Return to the Fliprid Topic to check out ideas from fellow participants. Feel free to respond to them with a written comment or a video comment.


Angela Milversted


ongoing digital portfolios

Participants will leave with ready-to-implement templates and tools for using Google Slides to create ongoing digital portfolios with their students.


Ayo Coker

slides are magical - getting the most from google slides

Google Slides are seriously magical! Join this session this explore the power of Google Slides beyond presenting and make slides more functional, more visually appealing, and make your workflow easier. Come explore design tools, helpful add-ons, and unlock all the magic within Google Slides.


Nicole Chun


what's new from google for education

Come hear the latest updates, features, and releases from Google for Education and get a peek at the roadmap ahead.


Jennifer Brown


amplifying accessibility with google

In this session, we'll review Google’s Accessibility Tools to help support all learners in your classroom! Create equitable access for all of your students and level up your use of Google Workspace.


Brittany Conrad


better communication with google tools

The session will help you to better communicate with stakeholders using using Google Docs and Google Slides as Hyperdocs. It will include an overview of the bi-monthly newsletters I share with my staff and some basic hacks you can do to a Google Slide deck to make it come alive. Join us in this session to increase communication on your campus and foster efficiency and effectiveness with your students, staff, team and community.


Robert Guzman


Cheat sheets - emails in a flash

Learn to manage student data in Google Sheets and how to use add-ons to send personalized progress emails and notifications in bulk.


Ashley Bermudez

Brandon Kaan


digital smartboard 101

Tired of paying for dry erase markers, accidentally erasing important information, or simply want to upgrade your whiteboard to the 21st century? Check out this breakout session! We will explore the basics of three popular digital whiteboards applications: Ziteboard, Kami and Jamboard! These are all lightweight, web-based whiteboards with real-time collaboration. Join me and learn how to utilize these tools and how they integrate into distance learning functions as well as how they can fit into your daily learning activities.


Jesus Brown


got udl? all students are created equitable

By focusing UDL strategies to differentiate learning opportunities in content, literacy, inquiry and citizenship, history/social science content becomes accessible for ALL learners. By studying and analyzing the past, we can create students who are indeed, Future Ready. Leave with materials to create your own equitable lesson!


Kim Vogu

jamboard for early literacy instruction

Our educational world has shifted due to the introduction of distance/hybrid learning. Jamboard offers an exciting digital path to support students as they develop phonological awareness (PA) and letter-sound correspondences on their path to becoming readers. Learn to use Jamboard to teach PA and phonics with your students in grade TK-1.


Lisa Curtis

ready player one

We will share some of our favorite ideas and resources for integrating play into your lessons and learning experiences. Whether you are distance, seat-based, or hybrid, come play and learn. Even educators need a chance to play and enjoy the company of their students and colleagues.


Nicole Chun

Michelle Van Omum


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Closed captioning and/or transcription is being provided solely for the convenience of our viewers. Riverside County Office of Education Educational Technology Services does not review for accuracy any information that appears in a closed caption or transcript. Riverside County Office of Education Educational Technology Services makes no representations or warranties, and expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability with respect to, any errors or omissions in, or the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of, any information that appears in a closed caption or transcript.