RCMSAR Station 14  •  Gibsons, BC

Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 14  is on call and ready to respond to marine emergencies 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.  Our operations serve an area of almost 600 square kilometres in the coastal waters of communities from Port Mellon to Davis Bay.  All of our members are unpaid volunteers, fully engaged in supporting our communities and dedicated to saving lives on the water.

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Join Us!

Learn new skills, meet great people, have fun, and give back to your community!  Even if you have no marine or boating experience, many of your life and professional skills will be highly beneficial and we provide additional training as required.  Positions are available for active rescue crew, maintenance crew, associated fundraising, outreach & communication teams, and the governing society.

Check out our recruitment campaign for 2024!

For further details and online application form, please visit our recruiting website at:



Support Us!

Funding is the lifeblood of every non-profit organization.  We are no exception. 

To ensure that our volunteer rescue crews are safe and our vessel is up to the rigours that harsh weather and rough seas can present, considerable time and expense is incurred in maintaining our equipment.  One of the best ways to assist in our continued operation is through a tax deductible financial donation.

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Station News

RCMSAR Station 14 announcements and news of note...

If you currently reside in or near to Gibsons, please consider joining RCMSAR Station 14 as part of our rescue crew, maintenance/support crew, or as a member of the Gibsons Marine Rescue Society. 

See further details on our recruiting page at:


"Kids Don't Float" PFD Stations
RCMSAR Station 14 has recently refurbished its "Kids Don’t Float" PFD Loaner Stations: one is located at the Government Wharf (at GLHA Office) and the other at the Gibsons Marina docks.   As a means to promote safety on the water, RCMSAR's "Kids Don’t Float" Program provides free access to personal flotation devices (PFDs) for infants, children, and youth. 

Parents or guardians who don't own lifejackets (or don't have appropriately sized PFDs for their kids) can borrow those from the Kids Don't Float Loaner Station for the day.   PFDs are generally available in sizes to fit infants, children, and youth, of ages 6 months to 16 yearsPlease return the PFD(s) that you've borrowed by the end of the day so that other kids can use them and be safe, too.   Families can enjoy a day on the water together, knowing their children are safe.

Disclaimer: Prior to placing a PFD or lifejacket on your child, parents and guardians must read sizing instructions on the inside of the lifejacket to ensure best fit based on their child’s weight and chest size. Parents and guardians are solely responsible for ensuring their children wear appropriately sized PFDs/lifejackets and inspect the condition of the PFD or lifejacket prior to use.   RCMSAR holds no responsibility or any other liabilities that may arise from the provision or subsequent use of such information.


Safety on the Water
The waters surrounding BC's beautiful Sunshine Coast are enjoyed by many residents and tourists alike, as is evident with the dramatic increase in boating, fishing, and swimming activities during our summer season.  Unfortunately, this often results in a greater number of local marine emergencies, sometimes brought about by unexpected events and/or a lack of knowledge and preparedness while navigating these waters.   

You can stay safe by being prepared for any possibility on the water.  Check the weather conditions and tides before you go out on the water and ensure that you have the appropriate safety equipment for your activity, be it swimming, kiteboarding, paddling, power boating, or sailing.  Wear a properly fitting PFD (personal floatation device) whenever aboard a watercraft.  Please see our Boater Safety page for  more tips and resources.
