The students are investigating on the topic 'beach'. They have identified different patterns on the seashells and used them to create patterns.


For this week’s curious club, learners to shopping for letters from the grocery store. They were involved in an activity of finding the given letter and then colour the letters on the worksheet.

In the next session, learners were asked to make a restaurant menu of their choice. Learners actively participated and shared their ideas and recipes with the teacher. They made their own menu and added many healthy food items and enjoyed the discussion with the teachers.

In the last session, learners made their own vegetable person with some vegetables and toothpicks they had at home. Other learners used vegetables cutouts to create it. They enjoyed creating their own vegetable person and named it.


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Curious explorer sessions are the most awaited one for the learners as they are always very excited to experiment and learn new things through the wonderful activities. This week they carried out an activity called ‘Rock shape’ where they drew shapes of their choice using a chalk and crayon and later placed the rocks on it tracing shape.

Learners also enjoyed the ‘Seed observation’ where they placed different seeds like mustard, flex, sunflower, watermelon seeds etc. and observed it using magnifying glass and spoke about their observations, comparing the size, shape and the texture of it.

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This week our learners made basic 2D shapes using chalk and rocks. Later they made a seed shaker using pulses and food grains and observed the different sounds. Some even sang their favourite song while shaking their seed shaker.

Below are few last weeks activity our learner had made a rock band.

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