” Step into a scene and let it drop from your fingertips.” – MJ Bush

Writing plays a vital role in learning a language. It is a beautiful and a creative way to express ideas, thoughts and emotions which cannot be expressed verbally. Every writing has a purpose followed by different styles and methods in which it is presented.

Our Grade 3 students loved to express themselves through writing in this unit of inquiry. They learnt steps to write a news article. They then made an attempt to write a news article on a situation going around them. They used the steps such as a catchy headline followed by a series of paragraphs and a conclusion.

They also wrote stories of migration of their ancestors, their experiences, challenges that they faced and how they adjusted to new places and overcome those challenges. They applied various grammar concepts learnt over the years in their creative writings.

Yoana Behll- Grade 3A

Srujana Gore- Grade 3 A

Laiesha Shetty- Grade 3 A

Madhav Meriraj- Grade 3A


Grade 3 B

Migration of ancestors written by students ( Top to Bottom ):- Shaurya Naik, Shivaansh Malhotra, Sahana Targe, Aarna Kale, Mihira Menon, Yatharth Sanghvi, Arnav Savla

News article by Sahana Targe Grade 3B

Shivaansh Malhothra Grade 3B

Kiara Mehta Grade3 B

Grade 3 C

Newspaper article by Bhumeet Nagarkar of Grade 3C

Newspaper article by Kaavya Lapsia of Grade 3C

Newspaper article by Leyshan Iyer of Grade 3C

Newspaper article by Tanvi Menon of Grade 3C