Community & Belonging

Counseling & Support Services for Youth (CASSY)

Please join us for our weekly interactive RCSD Family Workshops!

Our workshops provide tips on how to use some evidence-based strategies to support children’s social and emotional growth and minimize behavioral disruptions in the home learning environment. In addition to our Student Services Department, our community partners such as Children’s Health Council, Child Mind Institute, CASSY, and Stanford (Early Life Stress and Resilience Program) are excited to join our efforts in supporting our students and families.

When schools and families work together as a team, they can achieve strong connections that reinforce social-emotional skill development. Research suggests that evidence-based methods addressing academic and social-emotional learning, are more effective when they extend into the home. In addition to the webinar, we offer individual consultations as needed.

If you need more information, and would like to register for our webinar, please contact us by phone, email or Google form provided below. We will send weekly reminders to our parents and families via Parent Square.

Google form: Family Workshop Registration & Feedback

Zoom link to Family Workshops:

Meeting ID: 856 3443 6435 Passcode: 612850