P. L. Hampton - SHADOWLAND - Virtual Book Tour

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Date Published: September 5, 2023

Publisher:  Running Wild/RIZE Press


Aaron thinks nothing of it when Aaron Langford’s friend, Otis Thomas, gives him a divination tray as a housewarming gift. However, as weird occurrences begin to happen around him, Aaron’s life is suddenly thrust into turmoil with the disappearance of his son, Asher, and daughter, Imani. As Aaron’s marriage and life spiral out of control and the police zero in on him as the prime suspect in his children’s disappearance, Aaron realizes he and his friends may have unleashed ancient supernatural powers that were best left alone. In a desperate attempt to bring his children back and clear his name, Aaron decides to embark on an improbable journey with the help of the divination’s tray original owner, Urbi Houna, as his guide. Shadowland explores one man’s attempts to overcome death and despair as well as pierce the veil between life and death. 

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Virtual Book Tour - September 4 - September 15

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