Rachel Corsini - Sushi and Sea Lions - Virtual Book Tour

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Women's Fiction

Date Published: 05-16-2023

Publisher: Creative James Media

When a career-ending injury and a messy breakup send prima ballerina Daniela Verdi back to Queens, New York, she fills her days with countless distractions: meaningless sex, pinot grigio, and video games.

It takes a chance meeting with her brother's best friend, Vincent LaBate, for her to remember who she was before the stage lights and distractions of the Upper West Side. She's convinced that Vincent could never love a girl like her: broken, insecure, and stumbling her way through life. What Daniela didn’t count on is that Vincent is as scarred as she is after divorcing his cheating wife and going through an equally messy child custody fight. Soon enough, old vulnerabilities rear their ugly heads, opening a crack in Daniela’s perfectly imperfect romance.

As Daniela and Vincent's relationship develops, will Daniela learn to accept that a dream life isn't all it's cracked up to be?

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Virtual Book Tour - August 14 - August 25

August 14 -  RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

August 14 -  The Sexy Nerd Revue - Spotlight

August 15 -  Matters That Count - Excerpt

August 16 -  Novel's Alive - Review

August 17 -  Crossroad Reviews - Spotlight

August 18 -  The Avid Reader - Interview

August 19 -  Books Blog - Spotlight

August 21 -  Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

August 22 -  Novel News Network - Review

August 23 -  A Life Through Books - Interview

August 24 -  Texas Book Nook - Review

August 25 - My Bookmarked Reads - Spotlight

August 25 -  RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

About the Author

After declaring herself a pretty pink princess during her first ballet class, Rachel dreamt of sugarplums and began pirouetting her way through life. While studying to become a ballerina, she compulsively read books under her covers by flashlight and scribbled in spiral-bound notebooks. The urge to tell stories culminated in her graduation from Columbia College Chicago with a B.F.A. in fiction writing.

Never one to keep her feet on the ground, she traveled the world from Prague to Cape Town. Once settled back in Queens, she dabbled in journalism before working as an Editorial Assistant for a medical publisher. Seeking a more fulfilling career, she earned her MAT from Queens College and currently works as an English teacher in an alternative program in NYC.

Rachel spends her time sipping coffee, trying to cook, and practicing her pirouettes. She currently resides in Freeport, Long Island.

Contact Links

Website: https://www.rachelcorsini.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelCorsiniWriter

Twitter: https://twitter.com/madameraerae

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22508581.Rachel_Corsini

Purchase Links

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sushi-Sea-Lions-brothers-romantic/dp/1956183523

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sushi-and-sea-lions-rachel-corsini/1142969949?ean=9781956183528

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/sushi-and-sea-lions

iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/sushi-and-sea-lions/id6445491679

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1324786


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