Gil Snider - The Last - Virtual Book Tour

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Date Published: May 22, 2023

Publisher: World Castle Publishing

Dr. Anne Mastik, an Infectious Disease specialist at the University of Virginia with multiple sclerosis, is called on to save the life Ruth Morehouse, a teenager with a mysterious life-threatening infection. Ruth is the last survivor of a once-thriving community isolated for centuries on an isolated mountaintop in West Virginia.  Anne must contend with Miriam Morehouse, Ruth's iron-willed aunt and guardian, who lives by the directives of an ancient prophecy centering on Ruth.

To save Ruth, Anne explores the toxic relationship between the Morehouses and the nearby town of Eden.  When people connected with Ruth die under suspicious circumstances, Anne questions whether there is a genetic time bomb that has killed of the community... or is it murder.  To save Ruth, Anne must earn the trust of the two women and use all her wiles to outwit the killer.  And Ruth must ultimately make her own decision to defy the prophecy... or fulfill it.

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Virtual Book Tour - November 6 - November 17

November 6 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

November 6 - My Bookmarked Reads - Spotlight

November 7 - Matters That Count - Excerpt

November 8 - Novel News Network - Review

November 9 - What is That Book About - Excerpt

November 10 - The Faerie Review - Spotlight

November 11 - A Life Through Books - Interview

November 12 - Our Town Book Reviews - Excerpt

November 13 - My Bookmarked Reads - Review

November 14 - Diane's Book Journal - Spotlight

November 15Novels Alive - Review

November 16 - The Sexy Nerd Revue - Spotlight

November 17 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

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Gil Snider is a neurologist, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and medically trained at the University of Michigan.  The proud father of two grown sons, he and his author-wife Judy reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  He is a member of Hampton Roads Writers and James River Writers and has previously published "Brain Warp-A Medical Thriller".

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