Shavonda Robinson - The Rebirth Of An Visionary Woman - Virtual Book Tour

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Date Published: 05-05-2020

Publisher: Novecore Publishing

The Rebirth Of An Visionary Woman

Is an Spokenword Poetry Album based

On my life experiences.

Excerpt - Soundcloud

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Virtual Book Tour - January 9 - January 20

January 9 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

January 9 -

January 10 -

January 11 -

January 12 -

January 13 -

January 14 -

January 15 -

January 16 -

January 17 -

January 18 -

January 19 -

January 20 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

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Shavonda Robinson is an 19x Award Winning

Published Author Of More than 300 Books.

She is an well accomplished writer who has been

Published in many magazines and on many online blogs.

She is an Accomplished Spokenword Artist.

She is an Published Songwriter and Poet.

She is an Fashion Designer Online Business

Owner Of Colorful Vibe Designs 3.

Vibrant Girl Shoes Production.

I Write Like A Superstar Writing/Publishing

Online Business.

She is an mother of Two Beautiful Children.

She lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

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